Sunday, July 1, 2012


Thankfully - and sort of by accident - I got a life size picture of my dragon.

Meet Vytra’s smallest type of dragon – the Vineclinger. Wings and all, it’s no bigger than two full hands (that’s about 6 X 5 “ in American measurements), and it lives mainly off bugs. Most vineyards in Vytra thrive with a Vineclinger or two in them – but on my journeys through Vytra it took me quite a while to locate one of these little creatures – since they are surprisingly evasive. The Vineclinger hangs on the backs of grape bunches and waits for the unsuspecting insect to drift too near – then releases a small blast of fire, toasting their prey and instant before their long, sticky tongue darts out and stanches it from the air.
I should probably not that Vineclingers are extremely stubborn, and if a bug manages to escape the fire cloud, the dragon will immediately break cover in pursuit of the insect.

I would not recommend strolling through a Vytran vineyard on a buggy day, as you may find yourself the accidental victim of a tiny puff of flame – one that was meant for a bug buzzing about your head.